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Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Volunteers and Child Sponsors needed for Ugandan partnership project

I have just come back from our partnership project in Uganda. I spent a month there, sorting out a donation for their library (we bought many new useful books) and for the new buildings that now function as dormitories for orphans who board at the school (we are planning to buy new beds and mattresses for them). 
Also a friend of mine came there with me and spent a month doing IT training with the teachers and pupils. She had successfully obtained funding for bringing two laptop tablets, solar lights and chargers for the project. All in all, this is a great new development for the project!

The project is going from strength and to strength and developing all the time. However, they are in need of volunteers who could go and stay there for a couple of months. They primarily need volunteers to come and look after the orphans that now live at the school. There was a landslide in March in a nearby village and the school now looks after some of the kids who were left orphan because of it. 

Volunteers are needed for:
* Daily caring for the orphans (cooking, cleaning, helping with homework etc..) 
* General help at the school (cover teaching, after-school clubs, assisting teachers etc.). 

The school is also looking for sponsors for the needy children who come from homes that can't afford their school fees. If the school gets more individual sponsors, all the orphans can keep studying at the school for free and thus receive the much needed education for their future. 

If you are interested in sponsoring a child with as little as £25 per term (there are 3 terms in a school year), please get in touch. You would be changing a child's life and also supporting the school to run and keep serving orphan and needy children.