Enjoy your visit on this site - hope you decide to volunteer for us or to help us in other ways!

Saturday, 26 May 2012

Generous Donation to Bunabumali

A private family fund based in the UK has donated £500 to the Bunabumali project. The plan is for myself to explore and discuss with the project team in Uganda as to what this money could be used for when I am over there in July.
At the moment, strong candidates are mattresses for the children who sleep at the school and a solar panel. Anyone who has recently been to the project, please send me your ideas as well!
If the money is used wisely, there is a chance of more regular donations from this fund.

This is great news  -  the donation received earlier this year (£300) and this new donation will be of great benefit for the project! A big thank you to all the funders!  

Monday, 14 May 2012

Clothes selling business

Volunteer East has been asked to collaborate on a clothes selling business. The clothes will be made for commercial use, with Volunteer East volunteering to do some stalls and then a part of the profits will go to our charity. This will be a great fundraiser and also great publicity for Volunteer East! 

Now I need to help them design some tops and skirts for women. Their men's section is done already. Any fashion tips and advice would be much appreciated, you fashion gurus out there!

Friday, 11 May 2012

Book donation to Bunbumali partnership project

A company who wishes to remain anonymous has donated £300 to the Bunabumali project in Uganda. The money will be spent on buying new books for the school library.

Volunteer East team and the Bunabumali partners express their thanks to the donors!!