Enjoy your visit on this site - hope you decide to volunteer for us or to help us in other ways!

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

News from the placement sites

There has been exciting improvements in our placement sites where locals are starting to build their own social enterprises and to generate a sustainable income through such activities. Below you can read more on the improvement in our Uganda and India sites.

In Uganda, the locals have developed an innovative hammock project:


In South India, they are running a community radio:


Friday, 22 October 2010

Fever Malaria in Uganda - donations needed for helping those affected

A couple of teachers who teach the orphans in Uganda have gotten ill with a severe form of malaria. They are in the local hospital receiving treatment at the moment. Six of the children that attend the school at the project site have also been diagnosed with malaria. They have also been admitted to hospital. It is not clear as of yet who else in the project site has contracted the illness.

The project site is in great need of donations! They need money for medicine and for transporting the sick to the hospital. Please donate on the following site: http://www.bunabumali.org/
Every pound would really be of great help!!

Monday, 18 October 2010

Specific needs in placement sites

Autumn has come and brought new dilemmas to each of our partnership sites abroad. Please read through the specific requirements for each place and let us know if you can help:

1. Nepal: Summer months are the busiest time for volunteering and so the orphanage in Kathmandu Valley was flooded with people over the summer. Now that autumn and winter are coming, the staff over there are worried about the workload that is likely to face them when there are no extra pairs of hands around. If you or anyone you know is interested in going over to volunteer even for a short time, do get in touch!

2. India: The placement site in India is also in need of volunteers. They would, in particular, need people with expertise on development, economics and business, as they would need people to go over and help them with making their project more self-sustained.

3. Uganda: The placement site in Uganda has received many volunteers but is now in need of finances. They have been hit badly by weather changes and illnesses, which means that they crops and the regular work force are not bringing in as much money as hoped. One very good way to help them is by sponsoring a child. See their site for more details: http://www.bunabumali.org/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=27:sponsor-a-child&Itemid=45